We graze 35+ mother cows outside of Roseburg, OR. We believe its the best use of the land we have.  The cows calve annually between Jan - March. The beef we harvest are the yearlings at 18mo+, the prime age for eating. We follow best practices in animal husbandry and adhere to USDA standards - no grain, no hormones, no antibiotics and pasture raised. We set out mineral licks for vitamins/minerals not found in their forage. During the winter months we feed hay grown and harvested here by yours truly. Leaner than traditional store bought beef, we believe in grass fed for a few reasons; (1) We have adequate feed and the land needs to be grazed, (2) Customers appreciate the leaner protein & (3) Not feeding grain helps keep production costs down for us and in turn the customer, keeping it an affordable way to feed your family. Learn more about grass and grain finished beef.